Board of Session

Elders (the Session) provide spiritual leadership for the church and work with pastors, staff, councils, and members to shape and lead our church’s ministry.

Clerk of Session, Janet Hains

Class of 2024: Paula Arter, Bill Borland, Abby Smith

Class of 2025: Kent Eichenauer, Jennifer Greenlee, Melinda Vincent

Class of 2026: Don Flowers, Kristi Phillip, Allen Wilbur

Board of Deacons

Deacons serve as the hands and feet of our church’s ministry of compassion, hospitality, and presence by visiting or calling members, delivering meals and flowers, and organizing church fellowship activities.

Class of 2024: Connie Eichenauer, Ken McCabe, Debbie Richards

Class of 2025: Judy Brooks, Sue Carter Evans, Sandy Lewis

Class of 2026: Linda Coffman, Sandy Detwiler, Patti Wilbur

Board of Trustees

President, Pat Detwiler

Class of 2024: Pat Detwiler, Terri Marratta

Class of 2025: Jim Arter, Mike Greenlee, Christy Wilhelm

Class of 2026: Earl Evans, Greg Harvey, Mike Slone, Jim Vincent

Nominating Committee

The members of the Nominating Committee discern ministry gifts within our congregation and work together to nominate the next class of leaders for our church.