Our church has been blessed with many gifts throughout its history, especially those given for worship. We are grateful for the generosity of those who presented various worship items in memory of loved ones, for such gifts enrich us all.

Built in 1894 this is the fourth structure to be built on this site. The church was built of Berea stone after the Romanesque style of architecture. The interior was fished in Georgia pine. The seating capacity is 500 with the balcony providing extra seating if needed.

As you enter the sanctuary you notice the chancel area at the front that contain the communion table, pulpit, baptismal font, seats for the choir, organ and piano. The woodwork around the organ pipes and most notably the stained-glass windows around the room.
As far as can be determined, the stained-glass windows in the sanctuary have been in the church since it was built in 1894.
West Windows
On the left is the story of Ruth 2. Ruth, a Moabite and a stranger to Bethlehem, is gleaning barley from the fields of Boaz. Boaz was a kinsman of Naomi, Ruth’s mother-in-law. Boaz followed the law written in Leviticus 23 :22: “When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap your field to the border, nor shall you gather the gleanings after the harvest, you shall leave them for the poor and for the stranger. “

The middle window is the story of Martha and Mary and Jesus from Luke 10:38-41. Martha is serving while Mary listens to Jesus. Jesus said, “Mary has chosen the good portion.” Notice on the floor on the right, there is a scroll and a book. The scroll would be typical of that period but not the book. The red object on the left is a rose.
The window on the right comes from Exodus 2, the story of Moses hidden by his mother in the bulrushes while his sister Miriam watches.
East Windows
The two matching windows have shells that represent the Sacrament of Baptism. The fleur-de-lis represents the Trinity. The small circle window on the left has the rainbow, a sign of fulfillment. The olive branch stands for peace.

The center panel with Jesus knocking at the door comes from Revelation 3 :20: “Behold I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him and he with me.”
(Note that the door has no doorknob or latch indicating that Jesus is knocking at your heart, and only you can open the door to let Him in.)
The circle above the center panel shows the Bible. Psalm 119: 1 05 says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path.” The candle could refer to John 8:12: “I am the light of the world.”
The Balcony Windows The left balcony window is a campground scene with tents, a flag, a stream, a road, and a railroad track. The circle above the left balcony window has two swords and a wreath. The lettering says “G 3rd OVC (Ohio Volunteer Corps). At the bottom of the window are the words, “In memory of Wm. M. Patrick, August 3, 1862.”
The large middle window has stylized lilies, which represent immortality. What looks seemingly dead as a bud, rises to life. The circle above the middle window has the cross and the crown, a branch and white flowers. The flower could be a rose since the Biblical rose is now what we think of as a rose. The white rose is an Advent emblem of Christ as in the Advent hymn, “Lo, How a Rose E’ er Blooming.” The name at the base of the window is Kirby.
The right panel is a peaceful scene with dominant palm trees, mountains, a stream, and red roses near the bottom. This could be the peace after the battle is over. The circle above the right panel has a dove that represents peace and forgiveness and the small branch, anticipation of new life.
More about Presbyterians in Champaign County
The Rev. Malcolm D. Hooker, pastor of our congregation from 1942 until 1968, wrote an extensive history of Presbyterianism in Champaign County.
Facility Reservations
Our Sanctuary has a capacity of 250 people. The Fellowship Hall has a capacity of 90 people. The Library has a capacity of 20 people. For more information and to reserve a room please contact church office at 937-653-4225 or [email protected].